Balances the target variable in your dataset using downsampling.
Target must be 0/1, FALSE/TRUE ore no/yes
balance_target(data, target, min_prop = 0.1, seed)
- data
A dataset
- target
Target variable (0/1, TRUE/FALSE, yes/no)
- min_prop
Minimum proportion of one of the target categories
- seed
Seed for random number generator
iris$is_versicolor <- ifelse(iris$Species == "versicolor", 1, 0)
balanced <- balance_target(iris, target = is_versicolor, min_prop = 0.5)
describe(balanced, is_versicolor)
#> variable = is_versicolor
#> type = double
#> na = 0 of 100 (0%)
#> unique = 2
#> 0 = 50 (50%)
#> 1 = 50 (50%)